In Quest for Happiness

In Quest for Happiness These 5 Tips Will Pave Your Way to Endless Happiness


“All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love”. -Baruch Spinoza

Happiness seems to be the most treasured of all desires, but perhaps the most enigmatic one. A lot of people look for happiness every day, yet wind up empty-handed. Neither are we given nor do we need permission to obtain happiness. The mind controls happiness by creating it from within. You can be happy by being yourself. This option is difficult, but it will be worth it. One can be happy without searching for it, simply by existing and taking the time to enjoy the moment. It is possible to become happy by identifying what is most important to you, passionate about it, and achieving it.

Perception and point of view about a certain event is a deciding factor in whether you will be happy or sad. A positive outlook might bring about a change in fortunes. No one wants to be sad. To help you find your way towards happiness the below tips will be helpful.


Sometimes It Is OK To Be Sad

Yes, sometimes you should situations to make yourself sad. As denying it from the very first instant can worse it. All you have to do is analyze the situation, maintaining a balance in thoughts and not letting it engulf you for longer periods. During this sad period, you do not have to focus on what you lost. What you have to do is using positive reframing.


Reinforce Your Mindset Via Positive Reframing

To think more positively, positive reframing can involve altering the way you view things. It questions a negative thought. It can recognize patterns like overgeneralizing, mind reading, and fatal thinking, for instance. So, how about questioning yourself: why is this thought here? Your ideas are usually intended to safeguard you and your desires. So, what is it that you desire? Look for an alternative aim or goal that is more fruitful for your aim. To better understand the situation, substitute the negative thought via reframing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy works by taking a negative concept and attempting to reframe it in a more positive light. Instead of allowing your mind to shift into default and set you back, start with new, more pleasant thinking. You can employ this tactic in any context or situation. Do you have to ask yourself how can you utilize what you have in your hands? How can it change the current situation? Believe me, focusing on the brighter side will enable you to do wonders. It will never make you drowned in sad thoughts for a long time.


List Your Accomplishments

Make a list of things to be grateful for in your life. You must be conscious. Stand firm on the path of goodness. Acknowledge modest joys in your life. You could hold a meaningful conversation with someone you care about. It may be enjoying alone sometimes. Going for a stroll outside in nature is possible. Maybe it’s hidden in a book or perhaps you’ve watched that movie that you adore, like, a million times, but whatever it is, happiness in there somewhere. Something fancy isn’t necessary.

Getting wrapped up in daily life and never taking the time to think about our accomplishments is too easy. We have all accomplished amazing things in life. So, what if perfection isn’t at hand right now. Though it may be taking you longer to reach your fitness objectives, it is fine. You don’t need to stress because you haven’t achieved the top of your career yet. You are making progress, and your situation is improved compared to yesterday. Begin keeping a journal detailing milestones, successes, and breakthroughs. It’s useful to reflect on your successes once you write this list.


Put An End To The Comparison

If you’re always looking over the fence to see the green grass, you’ll neglect your lawn. Living in a state of self-misery is detrimental. See what you have accomplished, what you overcame, and what you can do in the future. Support yourself. The most important thing is the narrative you tell yourself. Are you encouraging yourself to believe you are strong enough or unqualified? Self-talk that is positive or negative is entirely up to you.

Do keep in mind that people are only revealing what they wish for you to discover. This can mean that one needed the courage to get to where one is. No one arrives from having everything. Embrace your past and go for the greatest, all at the same time. To proceed, you will need to pull other people up with you. You won’t have to consult them since you won’t need their help. It’s only the inspiration you have that you require. That’s from the inside. It’s too brief to waste time focusing on other people’s wins or losses. Always concentrate on your objectives and only compete with yourself.


You Are Still Alive And You Have To Stay So

I don’t know what should be the correct position at this point. However, it is my philosophy of life. I believe in keep fighting until I am alive. After each disheartening situation or any loss, I remind myself that I am still alive. If my negative self tries to tell me “hey. You lost money, reputation.” or sometimes like “hey, you are not good enough, you don’t have skills, this event proved this, etc, etc.”. At that time, I feed my positive self which tells me “Hey girl, what is reputation, money? All achievable. You are alive you can do this. What if you were not skilled enough it wasn’t the last day of your life, you still have time to work on your skillset and I know it would be awesome to learn new things”.

So, try this feed your positive self and make your negative self starve. You will rock, I know!

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